How to Break Gfw to Git

- - posted in TechTricks - tagged by DIY, GFW, VPN, git, github, proxy | Comments

Recently, github is blocked by Somebody.
git clone,git push … no way.
So how to break the wall?

Here is a way.

Git Protocol

Git has three protocol working:

  • git://
  • ssh://
  • http(s)://

and Proxy has two protocol mainly:

  • http(s)://
  • sock

I git successfully https:// with http-proxyer (mine is goAgent)

The way is so easy:

export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy="" 

However, i did not succ with ssh:// or git:// with http-proxyer.and still dunno why


The other way is easier, VPN.

There are lots of vpn server, free and not free.

Here is a free vpn,enjoy it
