2012, special year, a cute girl comes into our life, named QianShu.
New Life
In her 1st month :
Weight, good.
Height, good.
Breast milk, good.
Everything goes well.
2nd Month
However, something changed in 2nd month, that is ECZEMA
In the beginning, we did not pay too much attention to it, because almost every new born baby would have this reaction and situation. (ps: difficult to call it illness).
The eczema is not serious, at that time. Only a few in face, none in body. Looks bearable for me.
We bought YuMeiJing, which is tranditional, old brand in Beijing. It’s used by lots of workmates, when they were babies.
It works, when in 1 or 2 weeks. After that, it turn worse.
3rd Month
The red spots spread from face to the whole body, including legs, back and butt… From then on, we got that ,we should take it serious.
We got a lot of infomation on Internet.
Symptoms: redness, skin edema, itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding.
Scratching open a healing lesion may result in scarring and may enlarge the rash.
Cause: The cause of eczema is unknown but is presumed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
At last, We get used to this kind of view;
The Eczema is a reaction, from the body can not get used to Environment.
Baby is a new life, from Mom’s body.
Everything is new for it.
It needs to get with Environment, like food, air, water...etc.
So we take some actions to avoid its allergy.
The most dangerous FOOD (which contain much protein):
milk, eggs, fish, peanut, etc.
After we forbid those food, it did not look better, at first.
Think…for half a day, we found a suspious food, “Mixed Food Oil”. The mixed oil contain peanut oil…..:(
After that acts, it goes right way. Baby’s eczema is beaten and lost its battle field. Though a few wrong things happened, but the general situation is better than before.
4th Month
Air Cleaner& Wet machine is bought before Lunar New Year. So far, hard to say whether it is useful , It need time to prove.
Only its face is still red and hot, and there are lots of red spots on face. Sometimes good, Sometime bad…
The battle is still on…. Maybe it will never ends…
We will fight against it ….
2, Eczema